Geophysical methods offer hydrogeologists unprecedented access to understanding subsurface parameters and processes. In this book, we outline the theory and application of electrical imaging methods, which inject current into the ground and measure the resultant potentials. These data are sensitive to rock type, grain size, porosity, pore fluid electrical conductivity, saturation, and temperature. Here, we describe the physical basis for electrical imaging, parallels between electrical flow equations and the groundwater flow equation, practical considerations for field investigations, data processing and inverse modeling of field data, and how to QA/QC data. We additionally cover two case studies, including a 2-D waterborne survey and a 4-D dataset from a biostimulation experiment.
Electrical Imaging for Hydrogeology
Publication year: 2022
Number of pages: 74
ISBN: 978-1-77470-011-2
Kamini Singha: Colorado School of Mines, USA
Tim Johnson: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Frederick Day-Lewis: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Lee Slater: Rutgers University, USA
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Last Update: 15 March 2023
Released: 18 January 2022
Electrical Imaging for Hydrogeology
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Spanish translation by Pablo Guerrero y Ángel Intriago
Released: 17 August 2023
Imágenes Eléctricas en Hidrogeología
1 file(s) 3.71 MB