The Groundwater Project

Lithologic model, a rotating 3D basin showing: bedrock surface; lithologic logs; fence diagrams; and slicing the final solid model sequentially west to east and south to north (1 minute)


Concepts, Script, and Audio:
J.P. Brandenburg – Haley & Aldrich, Inc., USA
Alison Alcott – RockWare Inc., USA

Release date: incorporated in a gw-project book 2022, posted to GWP video page 2024

When sufficient geologic data are available for defining a groundwater modeling framework, modeling software can be used to create a grid of lithologic types throughout the model domain, with hydraulic properties assigned to each lithologic type. This video shows an animated view of a lithologic model, rotating a basin in three-dimensional space while showing: the bedrock surface; the lithologic logs used to determine the lithology distribution; fence diagrams along a few cross sections; and the final solid model sequentially sliced from west to east and back, then from south to north and back. Fine-grained materials are displayed as purple, medium-grained as yellow, and coarse-grained as orange with faults as red. (1 minute)

A discussion of the material in this video is provided in Section 9 Building a Static Model from Lithologic Data’ of the Groundwater Project book ‘Geologic Frameworks for Groundwater Flow Models’, the PDF can be downloaded or the online version can be read at that link.

More groundwater videos are available at

Citation: Brandenburg, J.P. & Alcott A. (2020). Lithologic model, a rotating 3D basin showing: bedrock surface; lithologic logs; fence diagrams; and slicing the final solid model sequentially west to east and south to north. Video of The Groundwater Project, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

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