The Groundwater Project

Variable Density: Simulation of the salinity distribution and flow pattern in a coastal aquifer (2 minutes)


Vincent E.A. Post: Edinsi Groundwater, The Netherlands
Craig T. Simmons: Flinders University, Australia

Release date: created 2022, posted to GWP video page 2024

This computer simulation shows the salinity distribution and flow pattern in a coastal aquifer. The upper image shows the salinity distribution and is depicted at the true aspect ratio. The red color indicates seawater salinity, while the blue color depicts fresh water and varying salinity level between the two end members are shown buy transitional colors in the mixing zone. The white arrows in the lower image represent the magnitude and direction of specific discharge vectors. Particles are periodically added to the left and top boundaries to reveal the flow pattern illustrated by the arrows in the still image. (2 minutes)

A discussion of the material in this video is provided in Section 4.2 ‘Stable and Unstable Density Configurations of the Groundwater Project book ‘Variable Density Groundwater Flow’, the PDF can be downloaded or the online version can be read at that link.

More groundwater videos are available at

Citation: Post, V.E.A. & Simmons, C.T. (2022). Variable Density: Simulation of the salinity distribution and flow pattern in a coastal aquifer. Video of The Groundwater Project, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

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