The Groundwater Project

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What is the global water crisis?

Many important global organizations (e.g., UN, UNESCO) have recognized a global water crisis in the form of freshwater scarcity that causes food shortages and poverty. Global warming is exacerbating the problem.

Water flowing from multiple rusty spouts in a stone wall fountain

2.1 billion people live without safe water (United Nations, 2019)

Water gently flowing from a bamboo spout into a reflective stone basin, creating ripples.

Why is Groundwater Critical to Solving the Global Water Crisis?​

The global water crisis is in fact a groundwater crisis because groundwater makes up 99% of all liquid fresh water and in times of drought, groundwater is the only freshwater available in many regions. Yet much of the educational material needed to solve the crisis exists behind expensive paywalls and global university programs are at present inadequate to address the issue.

Our Goal

Commitment to advancement of groundwater education through creation and provision of free, high-quality materials for all readership levels under all global circumstances to serve humanity and our planet’s ecology. Over 1,000 volunteer experts from around the globe aim to raise groundwater consciousness and strengthen groundwater expertise by making groundwater knowledge accessible for everyone everywhere

Thank you to our Sponsors, Supporters, Partners & Donors

Allan Dakin

Platinum Personal Donation


Jim Spain

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Tom Doe

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Mike Campana

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Ant West and Sara Ryan

Platinum Personal Donation


Bob and Ann Borden

Platinum Personal Donation


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