The Groundwater Project



New Books!

Preserved Books on General Groundwater Topics

Some of the books in this category have been given to the Groundwater Project for preservation and to spread free knowledge throughout the world. Others contain valuable information and are available elsewhere on the web but are difficult to find, so they are included here to provide Groundwater Project readers with access to these hidden gems of knowledge.

Books for Children

Preserved Books about Groundwater Flow/Hydraulics

Some of the books in this category have been given to the Groundwater Project for preservation and to spread free knowledge throughout the world. Others contain valuable information and are available elsewhere on the web but are difficult to find, so they are included here to provide Groundwater Project readers with access to these hidden gems of knowledge.

Preserved Books about Groundwater Quality/Chemistry/Contamination

Some of the books in this category have been given to the Groundwater Project for preservation and to spread free knowledge throughout the world. Others contain valuable information and are available elsewhere on the web but are difficult to find, so they are included here to provide Groundwater Project readers with access to these hidden gems of knowledge.

Books about Managing Our Groundwater Resource


We suggest reading the following book first for those unfamiliar with the topic.

Groundwater Resources Development: Effects and Sustainability

Private Wells and Septic Systems

Groundwater Governance

Books about Aquifers

Groundwater Biology Books

Groundwater Geology Books

Using Geophysics for Hydrogeology

 Groundwater Geochemistry Books

Using Isotopes for Hydrogeology

Books about Groundwater Contamination

Suggested reading order of the first few books for those new to the topic:

Groundwater Modeling Books

Coming Soon!