The Groundwater Project

Flow Systems: Well Capture

Flow Systems Well Capture Interactive Education Icon

Thomas Reimann, Technical University of Dresden, Germany

Release date: November 2024

Important Note: This interactive tool is for educational use only. The results are simplified and not suitable for professional applications.

A well capture zone is an area within an aquifer that delineates groundwater that will ultimately reach the well. In a contaminated aquifer, contamination within the capture zone will ultimately reach the well. The regional groundwater flow is directed along the x-axis with a hydraulic gradient i.

Well Capture Diagram Higher Resolution
Well Capture Diagram

The catchment area of an ideal pumping well, situated at the coordinates (0,0) can be characterized by:

the culmination point and the maximum width of the capture zone:

well capture equations for xo & B
well capture equations for xo & B

Q=pumping rate, K=hydraulic conductivity, i=hydrauic gradient, b=aquifer thickness

each point of the flow divide can be calculated as:

x,y values for well capture divide

This interactive tool calculates the capture area for a pumping well in a confined, homogeneous, and isotropic aquifer with the following properties entered by the user.

hydraulic conductivity K (in meters per second)

pumping rate Q (in cubic meters per second)

regional hydraulic gradient of groundwater flow i

aquifer thickness b (in meters)

Additional inputs allow the user to reformat the graph. The calculated values of the culmination point and the width of the capture zone are printed below the graph. The input table, graph, and results are illustrated below.

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