This animation, portraying groundwater movement in a karst landscape, was created by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture as part of a series that highlights the geology and complex movement of groundwater in southeast Minnesota. The animation “brings to life” many of the concepts presented in the book ‘Introduction to Karst Aquifers’ and enhances one’s ability to conceptualize the hydrology that is typical of many karst aquifers. (3 minutes)
A discussion of the material in this video is provided in Section 3.8 ‘Karst Aquifer Flow Characteristics Compared with Aquifers Composed of Other Rock Types’ of the Groundwater Project book ‘Introduction to Karst Aquifers’, the PDF can be downloaded or the online version can be read at that link.
More groundwater videos are available at
Citation: Minnesota Department of Agriculture (2020). Karst: Groundwater movement in a karst landscape. Video on The Groundwater Project, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.