The Groundwater Project

Aquifer Testing: Conceptual, Confined & Leaky (2 minutes)


Concepts and Flash Animation:
Paul Santi, Colorado School of Mines, USA
Modifications, Videography, Script, and Audio:
Eileen Poeter, Colorado School of Mines, USA 

Release date: August 2024


This video shows a cross section with an unconfined aquifer, an aquitard shown in gray, and an underlying confined aquifer. The confined aquifer is pumped and drawdown in four wells is displayed both in cross section and as graphs of drawdown versus time for three situations. First for an impermeable aquitard, then for an aquifer that transmits groundwater flow but does not store water, and finally for an aquitard that is permeable and stores water. (2 minutes)

A discussion of the material in this video is provided in Section 8 “Transient Analytical Model for Pumping of a Fully Confined Aquifer” and Section 9 “Transient Analytical Models for Pumping in a Leaky Confined Aquifer” of the Groundwater Project book “An Introduction to Hydraulic Testing in Hydrogeology​” that can be downloaded for free as a PDF.

Citation: Santi, P. & Poeter, E. (2024). Aquifer Testing: Conceptual, Confined & Leaky. Video of The Groundwater Project, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

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